Insight – Michelle Sleight
Do you know about sexual assault? Is what you know correct? One minute your life is typical then next you cease to exist. Do you know what to do if this happens to you, someone you know or your Future-self?
Drawing on my life experiences I have developed a Survivor Pathway that has taken me from struggle to strength and transformed me from Victim to Survivor.
Survivors are resilient, aware, prepared, caring and empowered. They’re the architect of their mind, the author of their present, the producer of their future, with a purpose to live.
It’s my absolute mission to enable you or a loved one to navigate this pathway so you can …
• Be Aware
• Be Prepared
• Take care of yourself
… and live as a Survivor too.
Survivor Workshops
and Public Speaking
Survivor Coaching
(2 Theme Options)
Taking Back Your Power in Court
One 2 One and Group workshop
Empowerment through being Aware, Prepared and a Caring Survivor
Personal and Intimate Group Coaching
Up Close and Personal – My Story
(2 Theme Options)
[1] Overcoming hurdles and making sense of sexual assault
[2] Be Aware, Be Prepared, Be Caring and Be a Survivor
How being aware, prepared, being caring and thriving as a Survivor turned the tables on an experienced Sexual Predator.
Interested in booking Michelle for a speaking engagement? Click here to contact her.

Insight exposes the world of the sexual assault epidemic, educating readers about sexual predators, their victims, the trauma, and, how to transform and thrive as a Survivor. Do you know the tricks of the trade sexual predators use to get away with destroying lives 24/7?
Myths are busted, misconceptions confronted and current thinking is challenged.

“Sexual assault is a serious and mostly unreported crime. Michelle Sleight’s story is a most realistic account of what actually happens, types of assault, the impact of assault and the many likely outcomes. Child sexual assault is most pernicious and affects one in 4 girls and one in 10 boys. The recent Royal Commission into Institutional Abuse tells only some of the story as most child sexual abuse occurs in the family.
In telling her story Michelle’s bravery and honesty shines through. She describes how her life is affected by her childhood abuse, how offenders are protected by victim and community reactions of shame, blame and guilt making the risks of disclosing, or not disclosing, more acute. Her extraordinary story describing how she moves from victim to survivor, will resonate with many and her strategies for survival are relevant and practical.
The biggest challenge is prevention and for that much work needs to be done to change community attitudes and the justice system. Michelle’s story, and the information she provides, will add to the evidence to promote change.” – Susan Kendall
Susan Kendall AM
Social Worker
Mentor PRADET East Timor
Mob: Australia (+61) 0408 962 709
Mob: Timor Leste (+670) 7726 2744
Website: www.pradet.org